My hope is that Microsoft doesn’t dumb down the universal version of Outlook to make it more like the current Windows version.
The Mac version is actually better than the Windows version for one big reason - unified inbox. You cannot record the movements of the laser pointer while recording voice to your PowerPoint presentation on Mac, but can on the windows version (for several years now)! Microsoft is also working on a couple of future features for groups, including adding adding appointments to a group calendar in Outlook for Windows and adding mail contacts as guests in a group.Nice to see they are working on something that won’t be partially neutered on Mac. Group members who have these permissions can then send emails as the group, or on behalf of the group, from Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web.
Send email as a group - Office 365 admins can grant send-as and send-on-behalf-of permissions to members of a group using the Exchange admin center. Multi-delete conversations - Group owners can now multi-select conversations and delete them from the group conversations space in Outlook for Windows. We've released the Invite to join feature to Outlook on the web, which lets you create invitation links and share them with others via email or other channels, giving them a quick way to join the group. Invite people to join - One of our most requested improvements was an easier way to invite multiple people to join a group. Now, these same capabilities are available in Outlook for Windows. Give guest access - Last fall, we updated Outlook on the web to give you the ability to set up guest access for people outside your organization, set group classification as defined by Office 365 admins, and view usage guidelines. Here's a quick rundown, from Microsoft (opens in new tab): Along with group support for Outlook on more platforms, Microsoft also unveiled a new batch of features rolling out to Groups in outlook on Windows and the web.